To address the housing needs of young people, 360°kids provides a range of housing programs including emergency, transitional, residential homes, and specific housing support provided to survivors of human trafficking. Housing workers also meet with youth throughout the Region to assist them in finding and maintaining safe and appropriate housing.
If you are experiencing homelessness in York Region and are seeking immediate shelter needs, please contact the York Region Emergency Housing Central Intake Line at 1-877-464-9675 ext. 76140. This is a 24/7 central access point and will direct you to immediate assistance and vital information. If you would like to learn more about our Nightstop Program, see link below.

Nightstop provides same-day emergency housing by placing a young person in the home of an approved and vetted Nightstop Host Volunteer who lives in the community.

Connections and Emergency Housing
Connections is the first emergency housing facility in the southern part of York Region for homeless youth.

Supportive Transitional Apartments for Youth (STAY)
This program will build on the skills youth currently have and assist them in becoming successful as they continue on with their life’s journey.

SHINE Housing Program
Welcome to our Supportive Housing for Independence through Nurture and Empowerment (SHINE) voluntary housing program, previously known as Residential Youth Homes program. This program has been renamed to better align with our EDI efforts and help support our commitment to creating a nurturing and supportive environment for all youth, regardless of their background, ensuring that no young person seeking our help gets left behind. Read our full Media Release Here
The program will continue to provide a combination of housing and support for youth, primarily 14-19 years of age, who are facing a housing crisis.

This program sources affordable market rent, community based units across York Region which are licensed out to youth participants.

Youth Housing and Support Workers
This service is designed to assist clients in transitioning from one location to another, conducting housing searches, negotiating with landlords and more…