York Region Pop-Up
Our mission is to empower young people between the ages of 13 and 29 in York Region by addressing risk factors that could lead to homelessness, criminal activity, or gang involvement. We’re committed to providing a pop-up support model that’s tailored to each individual’s needs and is located in various high-priority neighbourhoods. We believe that by working together, we can create a brighter future for our community’s youth.
The 360°kids Pop-Up Team provides a variety of outreach and program activities to increase opportunities for youth to learn new skills, expand interests, build new relationships with peers and service providers, improve the perception of social inclusion and better integrate into communities.
Type of Activities:
- One-to-one supports
- Food Security
- Transit Support
- Referrals to Community Service providers
- Workshops will be delivered through different locations in York Region
For more information, contact:
Emma Low-A-Chee
Watch the video on the programs & services that our York Region partnership helps us provide in the community:
Related Programs & Services

Family & Natural Supports (FNS)
The Family & Natural supports program strives to work with youth and their families and/or natural supports in order to strengthen relationships and more… …

Through our counselling program, young people identify and address barriers that are preventing or have prevented them from moving towards their goals.

Home Base Youth Drop-In Centre
Every month, our Home Base Centres serve more than 150 youth each month who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, between the ages of 13 and 26.

The program offers inclusive, enriched recreation and mentorship programming for the residents of seven (7) housing co-operative communities to support their social, emotional, physical and mental health needs.

Leadership Engagement Gang Intervention Team (L.E.G.I.T) Plus
L.E.G.I.T. Workers assist youth 18 – 30 yrs. who are involved in gangs, at-risk of gang involvement and/or have a history of involvement with the criminal justice system.

Leadership Engagement Gang Intervention Team (LEGIT)
L.E.G.I.T. Workers assist youth 12 – 20 yrs. who are involved in gangs, at-risk of gang involvement and/or have a history of involvement with the criminal justice system.

Provincial Youth Outreach Workers
Youth Outreach Workers assist youth 12-25 yrs. to access services that can be of support to any aspect of their lives.

Aftercare and Transitional Support
The Aftercare and Transitional Support Program assists youth transitioning out of the care of the Children’s Aid Society.

Substance Use and Addiction Program
Connect with youth peers who have lived experience using cannabis who will engage in evidence-based conversations in a safe unbiased, informed and non-judgement environment.