

igrad office with 8 computers and desks

360°kids has always believed in the value of education. Over the years working with our youth, we have realized that obtaining a high school diploma can be challenging for some given a multitude of factors affecting them.

The mission of the York Region District School Board is to advance student achievement and well-being through public education, which motivates learners, fosters inclusion, inspires innovation and builds community. Working in partnership with 360°kids, the YRDSB is facilitating an Alternative Education classroom program called iGrad within the youth hub operated by 360°kids in Richmond Hill in order to provide youth accessing the facility with the opportunity to earn high school credits in working towards completion of their high school diploma.

Students registering for this opportunity will work with the teacher in doing online, e-Learning courses. The classroom will be open between 9:30 am and 3:30 pm each day (Monday to Friday) and the teacher will support students in working on specific courses independently online. Computers will be accessible in the classroom during the set hours but students will be able to access the courses at any time as they are available through the internet using any appropriate form of technology.

What is it? An educational partnership between the York Region District School Board and 360°kids formed to present homeless youth with an opportunity to earn Ontario High School credits.

Who is Eligible? Students between the ages of 18 and 26 referred by 360°kids staff who have already earned a minimum of 12-15 credits toward their Ontario Secondary School Diploma are eligible. Students must self-identify as being motivated to work towards their diploma in a timely fashion.

Referral Process: Students can be referred to the program by 360°kids staff at any one of the 360°kids program sites, or through any outside agency including YRDSB staff and administration that is working with them. An interview is then scheduled to determine the suitability of the youth for the program. Contact Sarah Strachan (iGrad Teacher) for more information or to start intake for the iGrad program, sarah.strachan@yrdsb.ca  647-638-5738.

Program Format: Students register on a continuous entry basis between September and May 1st. Credits are delivered in an online format with teacher support. Computers are available in the classroom. Student’s progress is monitored by the teacher through the YRDSB Teacher Assist Application.

All credits must be completed by June 30th.

Location: 10415 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill (360°kids Home Base)

If you would like to find out more about the iGrad program, please send inquiries to:

Sarah Strachan

Classroom Teacher tel: 647-638-5738

“Most homeless youths do not have a high school diploma. Lack of high school education, alongside a history of homelessness, places youth at risk of long term social exclusion. Without a high school diploma, youth are more likely to experience unemployment or under-employment, and as a result, poverty during their adult lives.”

The Homeless Hub – Youth Homelessness in Canada


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