360°kids Youth Ambassadors Mission to Mars Mystery Night
3..2..1.. LIFTOFF!
Have you ever dreamed of being an astronaut? Did you know it was possible to travel to Mars from your own home? Can YOU help us figure out who is trying to sabotage our mission? Join our space crew on Mars with the 360 Kids Youth Ambassadors for their first ever event!
Log onto zoom at 7pm on March 27, 2021 for a fully online interactive fundraising event!
How to sign up?
1. Donate whatever you can to 360 Kids by clicking the DONATE button (https://www.360kids.ca/)
2. Make sure you ask for a tax receipt!
3. Email us at youthambassador@360kids.ca with your full name and your email
4. Please make the subject line of the email: MISSION TO MARS REGISTRATION
5. An email confirming your attendance will be sent within 24 hours
6. Approximately 48 hours before the event you will receive the zoom link and any additional information
7. Prepare for liftoff!
*The final day to sign up for this event is MARCH 26, 2021 at 11:59pm*
If you have any additional questions or concerns feel free to email youthambassador@360kids.ca and ensure the subject line is: MISSION TO MARS QUESTIONS”