
Ensuring Every Kid Matters


In Canada, youths aged 13 to 24 constitute about 20% of the homeless population, with a yearly average of 35,000 to 40,000 experiencing some form of homelessness.  Within York Region, the more recent data suggests, approximately 1 in 7 homeless individuals are young people, constituting 14% of the homeless population (1). However, the true scale of this issue may be underestimated due to pandemic-related challenges. Many youths might have avoided shelters due to reduced capacities. This issue is compounded by the fact that around 80% of homeless people in Canada remain uncounted in official tallies, suggesting that the actual number of homeless youths could be significantly higher than reported (2).

Understanding Youth Homelessness in York Region: Key Factors and Demographics

Youth homelessness is a multifaceted issue, influenced by various factors. Understanding the “why” behind it is crucial to addressing the problem effectively.

Demographics, Unique Struggles and Contributing Factors

Growth in LGBTQ2S+ Youth Homelessness

  • 27% of homeless youth in York Region identify as LGBTQ2S+, much higher than the 5-10% among the general Canadian youth population.
  • Family Conflicts and financial issues are two common Often related to drugs and sexual orientation, these conflicts contribute significantly to youth homelessness.

Indigenous and Racialized Communities

  • With less than 1% of Indigenous population and 3% of Black population in York Region, there is a disproportionate number of these groups reported in homelessness statistics
  • Between 20%-30% of homeless youth identify as Black
  • 30.6% of homeless youth in Canada are Indigenous.
  • 28.2% belong to racialized communities.

Cognitive and Mental Health Issues

  • 58% report cognitive or intellectual challenges.
  • 81% struggle with mental health problems.

These statistics highlight the disproportionate impact on marginalized groups.

Duration of Homelessness

  • 42% of homeless youth in York Region experienced homelessness for six months or more moving these individuals to chronic homelessness 

Unaffordability, Financial Difficulties and High Rent

  • 62% of homeless Youth cite high rent as a key factor
  • Rising numbers of postsecondary students accessed food banks in 2022, highlighting financial difficulties and a potential link between higher education and homelessness.

Addressing Youth Homelessness in York Region

Providing Solutions

The statistics highlight the widespread prevalence of youth homelessness in York Region. In order to address these issues comprehensive support systems and targeted intervention with consistent delivery must be provided.  Beyond housing, there is a crucial need for programs and support in education, employment, and health & wellbeing to provide holistic solutions to youth homelessness.




Community members lobby for funding towards youth housing and receive grant to purchase 2 residential homes

Youth Housing Markham is born




Amalgamated and incorporated forming
Pathways for Children, Youth and Families of York Region Inc.

Youth Housing Markham Amalgamated with Markham Neighbourhood Support Centre to provide child rearing support to young families



Home Base

Opened Home Base Richmond
Hill in store-front location on
Yonge St. to provide programs and services for homeless youth



Base 4 Success

Moved Home Base from store-front to House at Yonge
& Canyon Hill

Base 4 Success youth employment program begins




2 Supportive Transitional Apartments for Youth in Markham open



Youth Outreach

Home Base Vaughan at Dufferin
Clark community Centre open

Youth Outreach Program created

P.A.S.S. – Pathways After
School Special launches in 11 elementary schools



HOPE Housing

HOPE housing program opens to provide housing to human trafficking survivors




L.E.G.I.T (Leadership
Engagement Gang
Intervention Team) created




Youth Hub in Richmond Hill opens offering expanded supports including
Connections Emergency
Housing for youth.

Transitions housing program launches

iGrad program in partnership with York Region District
School Board opens




Nightstop program launches;
first in North America



Mill St

Mill St. renovation project completed and opens to house 3 youth



National Youth Homelessness Prevention Award

The York Region Youth Strategy, initiated and led by 360°kids, received the 2021 Youth Homelessness
 Prevention Award.



Elm Grove House &
Queer Agenda

Transitions Housing broadens its reach by acquiring and renovating a
Multi-Unit Home in
Richmond Hill, introducing 5 more housing units for youth.

The Queer Agenda developed to offer peer-to-peer community support to
LGBTQ2S+ youth in various programs.



NNewmarket Hub, FNS Program & SHINE Program

The Grand Opening of the Newmarket Youth Hub and commercial kitchen.

The Family and Natural
Supports program of 360°kids initiated to advance homelessness prevention strategy.

As part of our commitment to Truth & Reconciliation, we renamed our Residential Program to SHINE Housing Program.



Black Youth

A new home in Vaughan has been renovated with the goal of tackling
Black youth homelessness and empowering them by providing stable and culturally supportive housing.

History of 360°kids

360ºkids began over 33 years ago as two separate agencies that were developed to address the needs of the communities of York Region. The Markham Neighbourhood Support Centre was created to respond to the needs of young families with children who sought support and ways to learn about childrearing. Youth Housing Markham provided safe and supportive housing for youth who could no longer live at home. A volunteer committee worked to create two residential homes that would support 13 homeless youth. These two agencies eventually amalgamated in 1998 to form Pathways for Children, Youth and Families of York Region Inc. The organization continued to offer programs and supports to both families and their children and to homeless and at-risk youth in York Region for 15 more years.

In 2013 the organization was selected to deliver programs and support services to at-risk youth in the new Richmond Hill Hub being built by the Regional Municipality of York in Richmond Hill, Ontario. This new role, along with a variety of other new program initiatives, motivated the organization to change its name to 360°kids. The name 360ºkids refers to the comprehensive approach that the organization takes to assisting at-risk youth and surrounding them with care, recognizing that these kids need a wide range of supports to help them rebuild their lives.

This holistic approach is enshrined in our slogan: Surrounding kids in crisis with care.

360ºkids now serves over 3,500 youth, each year from every municipality in York and this number has grown significantly since our move to the Richmond Hill Hub operating the youth hub and offering even more essential services to youth. Our staff represent many cultures and experiences and have earned a reputation as leaders in offering high quality, innovative programming to the people we serve.

Our Values

360ºkids began over 33 years ago as two separate agencies that were developed to address the needs of the communities of York Region. The Markham

mission icon


To prevent homelessness by helping youth at risk or in crisis transition to a state of safety and stability.

mission icon


Every kid has a safe home.

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89703 6620 RR0001

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